EVERYTHING. At least,that is what many would want you to believe. That Nintendo is doomed,and this generation is over for them. That they should go the way of Sega, and just develop software. Not so sure about that, not just yet anyway.
It's just too darn early in this "generation" to call game,set,and match. The 3DS wasn't a monster seller as first,and that had definitely changed with the release of games people want to play. This brings me to my first point. Games people want to play. The Wii U has plenty of awesome titles to experience,it's just that these amazing games aren't the games people want right now.
These games aren't the ones they should have been focusing on to move consoles,knowing the PS4 and XboxOne were on the horizon. Mass Effect 3, Arkham City, were both really good games,but also a great old by the time they reached Wii U. Who thought this was a good way to launch a system? Sure there wetter other games released too, but Zombie U was this generations Red Steel,and New Super Mario Bros Wii U was more of the same. There really wasn't anything screaming I must have this system at launch, and there still isn't now.
Yes, Pikmin 3 is great,but that isn't a game that has a wide enough appeal for them to believe it would move consoles the way they needed. The same thing goes for Super Mario 3D World. Again, it's what they wanted to give us,but not what people wanted. And because of this a superb game like that isn't going to sell as well, and I'm anticipating the same reaction for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze as well. They needed heavy hitters. There was too large a gap in between big releases, or any releases for that matter.
This brings me to 3rd party games and the companies that make them. The way most 3rd party companies look at the Wii U is what's wing with the industry as a whole (a topic for next time?). Creativity. Thinking outside the box. Leaving ones comfort zone. Originality. These are concepts lost on a ton of developers and publishers. They see the Wii U game pad and either want to throw a map on it our look at it as an inconvenience. Some just ignore it. This is the Wii U best feature! There are so many avenues to explore as far as gameplay is concerned.
Unfortunately, this problem isn't just the fault of the people making the games,it's also Nintendo's for not seeing the bar on how to utilize the pad. First and foremost it is their job to sell the game pad and its functionality on us,which is what they have failed to do time and time again since E3 2012.
The blame can easily go in any direction. Heck,were even to blame for some of this. We want F-Zero and new m,but how much would those actually sell if they did? Even though it looks EXTREMELY bleak for the big N, I have confidence that the second half of 2014 into 2015 will be great for the Wii U starting with E3 this year.
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