Friday, February 28, 2014

Game Lookout: Mass Effect(4?)

With just a few months away its about that time for E3, and that means tons of gaming news and announcements. A lot of the talk will be focused on new titles and ips, but there will also be a ton of news about some of our favorite established franchises as well. Franchises like Mass Effect. Fans have been waiting to play the new entry in the Mass Effect saga ever since they first announced it was in development , and the anticipation has only risen since. We've  already whipped up on Reapers, and its almost time to put boots to asses on the next villain to threaten galactic space.

Bioware is said to be releasing developer diaries for the game sometime in the near future, but until then we will have to play the waiting game until we get some solid info. One of the biggest questions so far is the time and setting of the game. And what about Shepard and the rest of the Normandy crew? Maybe they will do a prequel and give us The 1st Contact War. I’m sure a game centered around Admiral Anderson would be awesome, he was the first human spectre after all. Going that route would also allow us to get some more backstory on Saren as well. No matter what fans are excited for a new Mass Effect, waiting and hoping for answer to exactly what happened to all those characters we spent the last generation getting to know and love (and hate).

The universe Bioware was able to create is so rich and expansive, full of stories and worlds unlike any other game. To just start all over possibly in  different time or universe? The idea almost sounds preposterous. Almost. This is Bioware were talking about. I personally have faith in Bioware, and have never been let down by the developer( I don’t play Dragon Age, and did not mind the ending to ME3). Even if the game doesn’t star or at least show my Shepard in some capacity, I know they’ll still create breathtaking new worlds and characters we’ll all grow to love. Some badass, some sexy, all worth being part of the mass Effect universe.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Is Here!!!

Here is the launch trailer for the new Donkey Country Tropical Freeze for Wii U!!! Enjoy!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Review

Where do I begin? First off, why are you even here reading this review? Haven't you already played through episode 1? What other confirmation do you need to know you should be buying this game right now! I mean wow. This game is very cool. With a unique cast of characters, a story that is always entertaining and keeps the player constantly on their toes, The Wolf Among Us is the sleeper hit of 2014 so far.

Everyone was rambling on about how The Walking Dead was game of the year and blah blah blah, but the truth is TWAU is so much better overall. Granted the aesthetic is the same and both games are very well voice acted, its the tone and the relationship that the character have with one another that really brings this game a step up from Telltale's last adventure.  Every person you encounter in this games warped city is a creepy, but awesome take on some of history's greatest fairy tale characters. Big Bad Wolf as sheriff? The Woodsman a drunk has been? You'll play through this games and see a characters you used to read about as child and be amazed at how each person is so much different from how you remember them. And that's a good thing.

It may seem like I'm giving the cast of characters all the shine, but the real hero here is the story. The thing that made The Walking Dead great was how heavy each choice was you had to make, and with only seconds to decide how to react it gives the game an extra sense of realism on how you'd actually choose. With great character development considering how short the episodes are, and an amazing intertwining story to connect everyone together, this is definitely $5 worth spending. Before I played The Walking Dead for the first time, I was very skeptical of the point and click genre, even to the point of not considering them actual games. And I was wrong. I'm glad I stepped outside my comfort zone, and Im glad I tried The Wolf Among Us. Mixing noir elements to our favorite children tales, the story never lets up from beginning to end, and if I had one complaint its that I wish the episodes were longer and the wait between them shorter.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Whats Wrong With Wii U?

EVERYTHING. At least,that is what many would want you to believe. That Nintendo is doomed,and this generation is over for them. That they should go the way of Sega, and just develop software. Not so sure about that, not just yet anyway.

It's just too darn early in this "generation" to call game,set,and match. The 3DS wasn't a monster seller as first,and that had definitely changed with the release of games people want to play. This brings me to my first point. Games people want to play. The Wii U has plenty of awesome titles to experience,it's just that these amazing games aren't the games people want right now.

These games aren't the ones they should have been focusing on to move consoles,knowing the PS4 and XboxOne were on the horizon. Mass Effect 3, Arkham City, were both really good games,but also a great old by the time they reached Wii U. Who thought this was a good way to launch a system? Sure there wetter other games released too,  but Zombie U was this generations Red Steel,and New Super Mario Bros Wii U was more of the same. There really wasn't anything screaming I must have this system at launch, and there still isn't now.

Yes, Pikmin 3 is great,but that isn't a game that has a wide enough appeal for them to believe it would move consoles the way they needed. The same thing goes for Super Mario 3D World. Again, it's what they wanted to give us,but not what people wanted. And because of this a superb game like that isn't going to sell as well, and I'm anticipating the same reaction for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze as well. They needed heavy hitters. There was too large a gap in between big releases, or any releases for that matter.

This brings me to 3rd party games and the companies that make them.  The way most 3rd party companies look at the Wii U is what's wing with the industry as a whole (a topic for next time?). Creativity. Thinking outside the box. Leaving ones comfort zone. Originality. These are concepts lost on a ton of developers and publishers. They see the Wii U game pad and either want to throw a map on it our look at it as an inconvenience. Some just ignore it. This is the Wii U best feature! There are so many avenues to explore as far as gameplay is concerned.

Unfortunately, this problem isn't just the fault of the people making the games,it's also Nintendo's for not seeing the bar on how to utilize the pad. First and foremost it is their job to sell the game pad and its functionality on us,which is what they have failed to do time and time again since E3 2012.
The blame can easily go in any direction. Heck,were even to blame for some of this. We want F-Zero and new m,but how much would those actually sell if they did?  Even though it looks EXTREMELY bleak for the big N, I have confidence that the second half of 2014 into 2015 will be great for the Wii U starting with E3 this year.