Tuesday, May 27, 2014

E3 Expectations! Let's Get Ready!!!

We're only weeks away from E3 and I couldn't be more excited for this years expo. With so much on the line for all three companies this year, its hard to imagine anything but their best when the presentations start. The next generation of systems are already out, so I'm expecting nothing less than a full on barrage of new game announcements from the big three.

 Nintendo cant afford to not impress, especially with the way the Wii U is selling in North America. Hopefully, starting with the release of Mario Kart 8 the Wii U will see a significant boost in the amount of consoles being moved. Lets not kid ourselves though, Mario Kart is going to sell crap loads, but they cant rest on the success of that. MK should give Nintendo the momentum needed to head into E3 strong, but in order to keep that going they have to announce( and release) some good heavy hitting titles. We all know Bayonetta 2 is on its way, same with Hyrule Warriors, Watch Dogs, and Super Smash Bros Wii U. After that though, what else is there? I highly doubt Zelda is dropping this year or even early next year(though I do believe they will announce one), and what about a new Metroid? Its been awfully quiet in regards to a new Metroid game Prime or otherwise, and even if there was one in development it wouldn't be out this year. So here's hoping that we get some release info and announcements from not only Nintendo but from 3rd parties as well. We all know Nintendo is going to make great games, buts its about time the 3rd parties put their money where their mouth is and start making some games for the Wii U.

Lets not forget about the always reliable 3DS. One thing the big N always does well is the handheld, and the 3DS is still selling great, destroying all competition. I'm sure we will see some great games announced for the system this year, but one game I'm praying will be announced is Symphony of The Night 2. I know that leaked E3 list was probably just a troll( which is why its isn't mentioned above), but come on? Wouldn't you just explode if this game was announced?

Now on to Sony and Microsoft. Both of their next gen consoles had strong release dates, although they have both slowed to a crawl. Microsoft suffered from bad press and a steep price tag, while both consoles are now suffering from what I call Wii U syndrome, or more specifically no games. Besides Titanfall and Infamous there aren't many reasons to invest in these new systems, not yet anyway. This is what needs to change after E3 this year, and why I feel all three companies need to focus mainly on announcing software. 

We have the hardware, we know what it can do, now wow us with games. If this was a battle of exclusives, Nintendo has them both beat by miles. I'm hoping to see some blockbuster exclusives announced by both Microsoft and Sony in the coming weeks. I've yet to purchase either system, because there aren't any games that appeal to me that I cant get on PS3 or 360. They have already announced the new Halo Guardians, and it seems likely that we get some info on the new Gears of War game, but these are both Xbox One exclusives. There are plenty of PS4 games coming out, don't get me wrong, I'm just not sure on what exclusives they'll announce. We have all heard the rumors of a PS4 The Last of Us, but no matter how excellent that game was its still a year old. Uncharted 4 an d God of War 4 seem likely, but where on earth is The Last Gaurdian?

As for everyone else? You already know the 3rd party developers are going to be bringing their A games, considering titles like Final Fantasy 15, Kingdoms Hearts 3, Metal Gear Solid 5, Mass Effect(4?),  and Dragon Age Inquisition(just to name a few) are going to be showcased at the event. With so much on the line this years E3 is poised to be one of the best we've had in some time. As long as the focus of the event stays on games. E3 2014 will be held June 10-12, with live streaming for the event on most video game media outlets.

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